JFEC CIC bring difficult topics out of the dark by talking about workplace discrimination, neurodiversity and suicide prevention because we lost J to those and want to prevent losing others.
Our mission is to deliver a series of events including our annual family community event, and workshops following or three essential pillars: education & empowement, and community engagement.
This year in 2024 JFEC became a registered company. We are ecstatic and cannot wait until we are fully up and running. So far for 2024 we have another hike planned and, our annual 'SHINE A SPOTLIGHT' event planning is well under way. Both activities are bigger than last year and the year before that. We are growing and are excited to see how we evolve from here, we'd love to have you along for the journey.
JFEC is the legancy founded in Jaden's memory and is exactly what Jaden deserves.
As a young humanitarian Jaden would be the first to take a person under his care to ensure they felt they could be authentic self. He would offer his last pound to someone sleeping 'rough' he was a, trusting, innocent sole. Despite his youth, his compassion for people was beyond his years.
Ben Nevis Hike
This year a group will travel to Fort William to climb Ben Nevis. All sponsorship money raised will go towards 2024 event to enable more of you to attend without the burden of financial pressure. This much needed revenue will enable us to provide an improved event for our community.
On the 21st July 2024 we host our third community event in Chiswick, London. Our format is to welcome attendees of all ages to an enjoyable day. We have the speakers who shall bring difficult topics out of the dark. Our staple, American flag football coached by GB American football player and Director of JFEC. Additional activities, including bouncy castle, face-painting, treasure hunt, dj, food and refreshments 360 video booth, bingo and raffle are all planned for the day.​
If you have any ideas for activities or community collaborations please get in touch via the contact us tab. Equally if you are able to help us on the day by volunteering your time or help behind the scenes of JFEC CIC please contact us.